Or pulling an air on a wakeboard!
This past winter I took my son skiing for the first time. It was an unreal experience for me as I remember my first ski lesson in the Catskills at the Concord Hotel back in the early 80s. I picked it up fairly quickly - learning the “snowplow” to help me turn left and right and even stop (SKI FACT - Did you know that they now call the “snowplow” the “pizza slice!”). I got my son really psyched up for the day, we watched some youtube instructional videos days before and I even showed him some pictures of me skiing when I was younger. He was ready to hit the slopes!
We got to the mountain real early, adjusted the boots and we were off and ready to go, 45 minutes before his group lesson. I gave him some tips just to get used to the equipment. Amazingly 30 minutes later he wanted to head up the mountain on the “magic carpet” by himself to test out the hill before his lesson. He came down falling, skis popped off, even crying and angry.
I explained to him that he now had the courage without a lesson to head up that hill. He was already ahead of the game and able to create his own “comfort zone” to strive and do better because of his courage to go up that hill on his own.
Camp Director Scott!
She Shoots! She Scores!
When taking on new challenges at camp, it is all about finding the right comfort level within you to gain not only confidence but strength to succeed. The summer camp environment creates different comfort zones for everyone and depending on their role at camp: Director, Staff Member, and Camper - they are all different.
Understanding everyone’s comfort zones is the true challenge for a Camp Director and its staff. Since everyone is different it can sometimes be the biggest challenge. One camper wants to do the zip line, one doesn’t. How does a staff member keep both of them challenged and engaged while at the same activity?
Resolving these types of situations is what produces a great staff member. Keep in mind as you get your child ready for summer… How will you prepare him/her for his own “comfort zone” – while with his bunkmates and at activities. KenMont and KenWood Camps strive to create an outstanding experience for every camper. Our amazing partnerships with our parents, staff and campers are what make us create the ultimate “Comfort Zone” for everyone to have an amazing summer.
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