Spring is here... Summer is on its way!

The weather is changing, your children are changing, and even my commute on a daily basis is changing - the sun is gone by the time I get in my car after a day in the camp office.

Summer Camp life is full of change (which is good!)…

  • Getting your new cabin counselors creates change
  • Our office sending out emails to our camp families about brand new programs at camp creates change (and anticipation!)
  • New campers joining a cabin creates change (and more new friends to bond with!)
  • Rainy weather at camp creates change (Liquid Sunshine never hurt anyone!)
  • Each summer your schedule changes with more choice which creates change (What camper doesn’t want to choose more electives for their schedule?)

This list is endless. Coping with changes at camp is a constant that our full-time staff encounters all year, especially during the summer when everything just continues to move forward (and at times in a rapid but controlled exciting pace). It is how we at KenMont and KenWood Camps are able to manage and embrace change with others around us that will make change a success and in some cases not a perfect success but a learning tool to better ourselves even more as summer continues on.

There is a great book called SWITCH by Chip and Dan Heath. It is all about how to manage CHANGE in your life.

There are outside forces that create constant change for summer camp – like how we communicate with our camp families and changes in youth development concerns. It’s not just about having the characteristic of being an open-minded person anymore - it is much more. You must understand the process and commit to make “change” even with the forces that support you and challenge you.

Let’s keep “Change” alive at KenMont and KenWood Camps and understand that Change is exciting and only leads to great summers!

About Scott Rothschild

I enjoy skateboarding, snowboarding, stand up paddle boarding, volleyball and camping, in addition to making sure I have tons of time at the end of the day for my wife, Deborah and our two sons, Ethan and Adam (who all share in making camp our second home).

Scott Rothschild