Camp is almost here!

We couldn’t be happier to start communicating even more with you as our summer begins! We hope you enjoy our new blog page where you will be hearing from our full time team all summer long!

Camp really started this past Sunday where we welcomed over 100 new campers and their families to the KenMont and KenWood Camp family. They are the newest family members that are part of the history of camp that dates back to 1924! If Dr. Kiviat were still alive today, he would be so proud of the history and traditions that are still alive and flourishing here at camp!

This past weekend we saw so many smiling faces who were filled with excitement and a little bit of nervousness too. Quickly the nerves subsided as the fun began. Starting off the day, campers made new friends playing gaga, ping pong and tether ball. Then as we broke into smaller groups the excitement grew as the campers met some of their new bunkmates and Division Leaders. WOW CAMP IS GETTING SO REAL FOR THEM EVEN WITH 11 OR 41 DAYS UNTIL THEIR SESSION STARTED! We followed up with a great tour around camp where our new campers got their first chance to speed around KenSpeedway in our cool GoKarts! Then what tour would not be complete without an ooey gooey smore! Don’t tell anyone about the secret ingredient that made the smores even better. (HOME MADE MARSHMALLOWS BY THE CAMP BAKER!)

If you think our campers had fun you should have seen our staff members after the event! They were so happy and excited that they wanted the campers to stay and just get started. It was so great hearing them mention some of the campers by name and tell stories about what they did on the tour, what they told us about themselves and who they seemed to make friends with.

What we go out of this past weekend is just how much WE LOVE OUR JOBS! And how much FAMILY means to us! The great part of this family is that they had the opportunity to pick us and there is a great feeling about it.

I leave you with a few great quotes about family.

Family like branches on a tree, we all grow in different directions, yet our roots remain as one.

Family is not an important thing it is everything!

Family means no one gets left behind or forgotten!

Love your KMKW Family.

About Tom Troche

Summer days give me the opportunity to indulge my love of “hoops” as well as taking part in waterfront activities, climbing and making up fun dishes in our cooking program. More than anything, I love forming great relationships with our campers and parents as well as helping campers create bonds with their peers.

Tom Troche