Tribal Day 2016

For the second Special Event Sunday of the session, our campers participated in Tribal Day. They were placed into 6 Tribal Teams, the Kalabaw. Samburu, Rarotonga, Bula Bula, Kucha, and Malakal. We ended our day with a tribal Rope Burn. Each team selected one camper from each division to assist in the fire building while the teams cheered them on. It was an amazing sight to see twelve teams cheering and encouraging their fellow campers while the sun set on a fantastic day!

About Scott Rothschild

I enjoy skateboarding, snowboarding, stand up paddle boarding, volleyball and camping, in addition to making sure I have tons of time at the end of the day for my wife, Deborah and our two sons, Ethan and Adam (who all share in making camp our second home).

Scott Rothschild